Show+Tell work with Lovebullets - a celebrity frenzy!
Hot Jewellery brand ‘Love Bullets’ has got everyone wearing it. It’s rapidly become a celebrity favourite and has adorned the likes of the hottest necks; Pixie Geldof, Sophie Ellis Bextor, Chery Cole, Henry Holland and Dizzie Rascal to name a few. Previously a ‘hard to get’ must-have item, the brand is now exclusively available at sugarbullets.co.uk

The idea behind Love Bullets was to change a product of violence (the Bullet) and create an item that can symbolise peace, whilst uniting fashion, creativity and charitable causes. De-commissioned bullets, in silver and pewter have been bejewelled with a Swarovski Crystal to create eye-catching wearable items of jewellery. ‘it evaporates the bullets’s capacity for mass destruction and simply adorns it with beauty’ Emmanuel Jal co founder.

30mm retails at £30 and 50mm at £35, all are available to buy from www.sugarbullets.co.uk
Show+Telll have worked with the guys at Lovebullets with the printed material and there's some great packaging for the bullets which we've help inspire!
go get yours today!
posted by Franco @ showandtell.agency