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Interning at Show+Tell by Callum O'Reilly

19 February 2019
Interning at Impression
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As I was entering my third and final year at Leeds Arts University I wanted to begin to find my place in the industry, so I went on a mission to find a successful agency to get a taste of agency life.

Show+Tell gave me the opportunity to do just this. Unlike other internships and experience you may find at this level, I was taken in to the agency on an equal level, allowing me to truly see the industry I am about to enter. Across two weeks I worked on a plethora of briefs that gave me an insight into design for print, web. I worked on everything from wireframe planning, to rolling out an advertising campaign to completion, from planning stages. As part of working on these briefs I was included in the communications with clients, allowing me to see how to overcome any obstacles with clients; including being invited to client meetings. The experience didn’t only expand my skills as a designer, but opened my eyes to how an agency can run successfully in a productive environment.

The process of working at Show+Tell is massively based on collaboration, it's made me more professional and given me the sense of direction I will continue aim towards. It was so beneficial to be able to work closely with strategists, planners, designers, developers on a face to face level, through the process of each brief. This gave me the confidence to be able to approach others in the industry to work with them and unlock the potential of my design work, and give the client the best outcome possible.

I most enjoyed the close nit sense of working alongside others in the agency, its shown me that agency life doesn’t need to be boring, quite the opposite! You can work at the top of your game, working in a fun environment that enhances the whole experience.

I couldn’t have asked for a better experience than my time at Show+Tell, its led to a massive boost in confidence in my own work, as well as some freelance work; working on some projects I started at Show+Tell. Show+Tell has let me walk into my third year with the drive and ambition to become part of the industry in a place that I feel as productive and happy as I did at Show+Tell.

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